Instrumentation Technology

The Instrumentation Technology field involves installation, maintenance and calibration of devices used in the automation of industrial processes. These devices measure and control the pressure, temperature, level and flow of processes used in automated manufacturing and production.

Students in the Instrumentation Program study electronics, pneumatics and control loop technology in order to obtain entry-level positions with manufacturers, chemical processors and sales/repair organizations.

Regional manufacturers and processors forecast a high demand for workers with instrumentation training as retirement of current employees begins to takes a toll on the area's workforce. Texas Workforce Commission statistics show the 45-54 age groups grew 38 percent from 1990-2000, and the average age of chemical processors in the Houston area is 49 years old. The aging workforce, as well as the increasing number of complex automated processes and devices, indicates that employment opportunities in this field will continue to expand.

Texas Skill Standards logo

The Instrumentation Technology Program is recognized by the Texas Workforce Investment Council (formerly the Texas Skills Standards Board) which verifies that the knowledge and skill competencies required by industry are included within the curriculum.

Program Outcomes

  • Identify control panel indicators, calibrationtools, electrical parts, and how they work.
  • Utilize a multimeter or oscilloscope todifferentiate between two electrical signalswith respect to voltage current.
  • Apply electronic circuit fabrication techniquesto industry standards.
  • Explain the static and dynamic aspects ofprocesses.
  • Analyze liquid and gas measurements todetermine specific process parameters.
  • Demonstrate standard safety procedures asrequired in industry.

Critical Thinking
Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
Social Responsibility
Personal Responsibility
Time Management
Mechanical Aptitude
Cultural Sensitivity

Career Information

A degree in Instrumentation Technology opens opportunities as an Instrumentation and Petrochemical Plant Technician. 


Recommended Program of Study: Associate of Applied Science
Course Title SCH
First Semester
CETT 1321 Electronic Fabrication 3
CETT 1409 DC-AC Circuits 4
INTC 1301 Principles of Industrial Measurements I 3
ITSC 1401 Introduction to Computers 4
Second Semester
CETT 1315 Digital Applications 3
INTC 1312 Instrumentation and Safety 3
INTC 1341 Principles of Automatic Control 3
INTC 1348 Analytical Instrumentation 3
TECM 1301 or MATH 1314 Industrial Mathematics or College Algebra 3
Third Semester
ELMT 2333 Industrial Electronics 3
ENGL 2311 or ENGL 1301 Technical Writing or Composition I 3
INTC 1343 Application of Industrial Automatic Controls 3
INTC 2336 Distributed Control and Programmable Logic 3
XXXX x3xx Social/Behavioral Science 3
Fourth Semester
XXXX x3xx Humanities/Fine Arts 3
INTC 1355/INTC 2388 Unit Operations or Internship – Instrument Technology/ Technician 3
INTC 1356 Instrumentation Calibration 3
PHYS 1315 Physical Science I (lec) 3
PHYS 1115 Physical Science I (lab) 1
SPCH 1315 Public Speaking 3
Total   60

Recommended Program of Study: Certificate
course title sch
First Semester
CETT 1321 Electronic Fabrication 3
CETT 1409 DC-AC Circuits 4
INTC 1301 Principles of Industrial Measurements I 3
ITSC 1401 Introduction to Computers 4
Second Semester
CETT 1315 Digital Applications 3
INTC 1312 Instrumentation and Safety 3
INTC 1341 Principles of Automatic Control 3
INTC 1348 Analytical Instrumentation 3
TECM 1301 Industrial Mathematics 3
Total   29

Students may pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Technology.

What kind of salary can I expect?

The median salary for an instrumentation graduate is $26.27 an hour. According to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, instrumentation graduates can expect a bright outlook in job opportunities. Employment is projected to grow 15 percent over the next four years.

How long will it take to graduate?

The Instrumentation Technology degree takes two years, while the certificate takes a year.  Courses taken in the certificate degree plan transfer to the associate’s degree for students who choose to earn the full degree.

Does Lamar State College Port Arthur offer internship opportunities?

Yes. As part of the degree plan, students are placed with local petrochemical and manufacturing companies where they will receive hands-on experience in the instrumentation field.

George Bohn

Thomas Janise

Jose Perez

Daledric Seastrunk

Weldon Jacobs

Troy McGee 

Alpha Beta Gamma

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Associate of Applied Science



Leads to a BS in Industrial Technology at a four-year college/university


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